Research Guides

Thesis Statements

Here you will find helpful information on how to write a strong and effective thesis statement.

Referencing in MLA and APA

If you are unsure about how to cite or reference your sources in your research paper or presentation, please look through these guides for referencing and citation tips.

Chicago Manual of Style


MLA and APA Formatting

How to Paraphrase in Academic Writing

What is a paraphrase? What marks the difference between paraphrasing and plagiarizing? Read the information here for helpful paraphrasing advice.

Research Guidelines

Here are some helpful tips to guide you through the research process.


Paragraph Writing

In order to write a successful paper or project, proper paragraph writing is essential! Here you will find tips and tricks for how to write a successful paragraph.


Reading College and University Level Texts

Whether you are writing a literary analysis or have to read different research articles for a project, knowing the strategies for how to read different texts is a fundamental skill for all classes.

Summary Writing

Knowing how to summarize a text is an essential skill. Please read through this guide for how to write a successful summary.


Email Writing

Writing well is not only important for your assignments, but also when communicating with your teachers! Writing a polite and correctly phrased email leaves a positive impression on your teacher. Here you will find examples of polite and impolite emails and a detailed guide for how to email your teachers.


Common Assignment Terminology

Here you will find a list of common assignment terminology as well as examples and explanations of how to apply them in your writing assignments.


Writing Concisely

If you find your teachers writing “wordy” on your writing assignments, follow these tips on how to “trim the fat” and write concisely.

Frequently Asked Questions